Care Tips for Pets with Environmental Allergies
Bathing tips
– Use Tepid Water – You want to use cooler (but not cold) water, because bacteria thrive in hot wet environments
– Follow prescription instructions on your shampoo’s prescription label
– Follow the label instructions on over the counter
Outdoor and Indoor Tips
– Wipe your pet off with a damp cloth before bringing them in from outside
– Additionally, try to send pets outside when you vacuum
– Do not allow pets outside directly after mowing the lawn, as this can kick up allergens that have accumulated on the grass
– When dusting use a trapping cloth or duster head verses a feather duster
– Clean/Dust fan blades to limit airborne dust
– Change air filters regularly
Flea Control
– Use a regular flea treatment all year round
– Follow label or prescription instructions on the package
– Wash bedding and stuffed toys in hot water once a week
– Vacuum regularly
– Treat your yard and if necessary your house for fleas if there is an infestation
Bed Etiquette
– Toys should be washed once weekly in hot water
– If your pet has food allergies you should not use flavored toys
House Dust Mites & Fleas
– Wash bedding in hot water weekly
– Cover furniture that pet sleeps on with sheet and wash weekly
– Use barrier type covers on your mattress and pillows where your pet might sleep
– Wash stuffed toys frequently
– Keep your pet in uncarpeted rooms when possible
– Frequently clean hard surface areas your pet has access to with a damp mop
– Change furnace filters frequently
Pollens (Grasses, Weeds, Trees)
– Avoid hiking with pet through fields
– Keep lawns cut short
– Keep pets inside while mowing
– Rinse pet after exposure to high grasses and weeds
– Keep pet indoors at dusk and early morning during heavy pollen season
– Use air conditioners and keep windows closed to minimize allergens entering the house through screens
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Send us a message! Our team will be in touch with you shortly.
Visit us at one of our convenient locations.

Beaverton, OR
13025 SW Millikan Way Suite 100
Beaverton, OR 97005
M, Tu, Th, Fri: 8am - 6pm
Closed Wednesday

Greensboro, NC
Greensboro, NC 27410
By appointment only