How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Have you rubbed your dog’s ears today? Sure you have. It’s one of those things that we do almost mindlessly, relishing their velvety softness and our dogs’ groans of pleasure. But did you know that rubbing your dog’s ears is also a great way to make sure they’re...
What is Conjunctivitis?

What is Conjunctivitis?

Red itchy eyes are a sign of inflamed conjunctiva, otherwise called conjunctivitis.  Conjunctivitis is a common problem in humans, as well as dogs and cats.In humans, conjunctival inflammation has a number of underlying causes, and based on each individual case is...
Controlling Mold in the Home

Controlling Mold in the Home

What are molds?Molds are opportunistic fungi that reside on plants, decaying debris, within our homes, and often as inhalants in the air we breathe.  These fungi are usually dependent on organic substances for nutrients and energy and grow best in warm humid...